The KIO turns the kitchen inside-out. Forget what you thought a kitchen was about.
Part of your kitchen literally travels outdoors at the push of a button. The outside suddenly connected with the home’s interior. The floor plan of your home now flows outdoors. The wall of your home is “soft architecture,” the inside and the outside commingle.
A KIO at the heart of your home, the kitchen, enhances the nature your home.
- Your home feels and operates bigger.
- Outdoors is more readily at hand; health is enhanced.
- Very green, less stuff, less space needed . . . and an explosion of the building envelope to the outdoors.
- No need for more real estate for an outdoor kitchen, take you existing kitchen outdoors.
- Instantly create a fabulous entertainment area.
- Weather becomes an issue . . . bring the kitchen back inside in a moment. When nice weather . . . go outside.
PS. Easy to install. Often just replace a sliding glass door.